Mission Statement

“Happiness cannot be owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace and gratitude” Denis Waitley

Tosca Dee is committed to dismantling the places where we alienate, discriminate and segregate women, children, and youth. To create an inclusive space where trauma informed practices lead a new paradigm with somatic intuitive body practices, that include ancient and modern wisdom that brings peace and joy into the hearts and homes.

To create a lineage of socially conscious spiritual leaders that action with compassion, sensitivity, and kindness to benefit all sentient beings.

**I would like to acknowledge the nature of ethics and inclusivity that is ever changing, so I do not deem to know all the answers as this is a space that is constantly being reviewed and is at the epicentre of my service.

Inclusion Statement


It is my intention to honour the uniqueness of each person’s journey, to strive with leadership with equity, honouring of diversity and inclusive language of accessibility.

My values of equity, diversity of learning styles, access, attitude, social justice, choices, and communication are pivotal to creating an inclusive environment where each person is valued for their uniqueness.

I Stand for:


  1. Informed consent
  2. Gender Equity
  3. Community Connection
  4. Honouring diversity through access, learning styles, ableism, sex, gender -diversity, anti-racism, anti-ageism, and socio-economic disadvantage
  5. Accessibility and Inclusion
  6. Social Justice and Equity
  7. Personal Freedom and Responsibility
  8. Communication
  9. Integrity
  10. Kindness and hope.

Code of Ethics



Tosca Dee: The Joyful Goddess is a professional, therapy and education service with the purpose to provide the highest level of excellence pertaining to professional, personal and spiritual education and mentorship. Tosca’s Code of Ethics has been complied to comply with the International Institute for Complementary Therapists (IICT) Code of Ethics and relate to the guidelines and standards of professional practice.

The mission of Tosca Dee is to offer a compassionate service that is trauma informed and is highly attuned and sensitive to her clients providing a nurturing space of non-judgment, loving kindness, and grace with the deepest unconditional positive regard. These are the foundational pillars that underpin the service of Tosca Dee: The Joyful Goddess to empower clients to make positive change for optimal wellbeing and self-actualisation with hope and possibility.

‘Compassion and love are the source for both inner and external peace’: Dalai Lama

I am committed to the core values of ethically informed practices.

Ethical Principles


  1. Protect the rights of clients and respect the essential humanity, worth and dignity of all people and promote these values of compassion, loving-kindness and grace.
  2. To respect the privacy of clients and preserve the confidentiality of information acquired in the course/session/study.
  3. Obtain informed consent from clients before commencing therapeutic services/training/ directorship/intuitive guidance. No minor (child under the age of 18) will or can undertake in’ The Method’ sessions, as this is deemed as unethical practice.
  4. Maintain and develop the highest standard of professional competence and integrity in the application of knowledge, expertise, and techniques.
  5. Abide by the Statutes and common laws applicable to their place of practice.
  6. 24 Hour cancellation procedure applies.

Ethical Responsibilities


  1. To take all reasonable steps to explain the nature of service/training/ therapy/options/intuitive guidance and the limitations and risks and to avoid harm to clients as a result of the therapeutic/training/mentorship process
  2. Strongly endorse client autonomy and encourage clients to make informed decisions to empower responsibility
  3. Establish and maintain professional boundaries with clients. Such boundaries apply beyond the therapeutic relationship.
  4. Evidence of a problem or a condition with which Tosca Dee is not competent to deal, is explicitly stated on clear communication to the client so that he/she may be referred to an appropriate specialist. E.g. psychologist, doctor, specialist.
  5. Sexual relations between the practitioner and the client are not acceptable and constitute unethical behaviour.
  6. To seek professional supervision from a supervisor approved by the IICT/ACA.
  7. Disclose any conflict of interest which may arise in relation to a client and seek supervision to resolve appropriate action which may include referral.
  8. Provide a service that is a Trauma Informed Sensitive practice that ensures the highest regard to creating and maintaining safety and the respectful relationships with a Compassion Based Trauma Care framework.
  9. All sessions/education /courses are paid up-front and the disclaimer form is signed prior to the services being commenced.



  1. Client respect that affirms the common humanity and the uniqueness of each individual.
  2. To be sensitive to the cultural context and worldview of the client: for the family, individual and or the community is taken as central.



  1. Working in a responsible manner in ways that respect and promote the client’s ability to make decisions in the light his/her own beliefs, values, and context.



  1. Treat with confidentiality any personal information about clients, whether obtained directly or by inference. This applies to all verbal, written, or recorded material produced as a result of the relationship. All records, whether in written or any other form, will be protected with strict confidence. All records will be stored with the highest-level of confidentiality.
  2. Ensuring any legal requirements that may override confidentiality, including, but not limited to, provisions about child abuse, sexual assault of children or adults, elder abuse and physical harm to self and others, and other criminal behaviours.

Contracts with Clients


  1. Therapeutic/training/course and activities are to be undertaken only with professional intent and not casually and/or in extra professional relationships.
  2. Contracts involving the client should be realistic and clear.
  3. Responsible communication stating the terms on which training/services/ therapy being offered to clients including matters such as price and nature and duration of session.
  4. Disclose any conflict of interest which may arise in relation to a client and seek supervision to resolve appropriate action which may include a referral.
  5. It is the expectation that clients will uphold self-governing practices to support the change that is necessary for transformational growth.

Responsibilities to Self as a Therapist


  1. Responsibility ‘as a trainer/guide/therapist to maintain my effectiveness, resilience and ability to help/ nurture/ support clients. Integrity and professional excellence are pillars, this entails self-care protocols/ supervision/ practices that imbue the highest spiritual protocols to support the compassion (self and others), work / life balance procedures and professional development. These elements pertain to highest levels of integrity and authenticity as a educator/practitioner/guide which are the cornerstones to my delivery. It is based on my personal and spiritual ethical practices that I remain congruent with my intention of compassion, kindness and personal excellence.
  2. Acknowledge my limitations and seek guidance from my supervisor/ or other professionals, when necessary. To actively seek support to unpack biases and ‘blind-spots’.
  3. Maintain the highest level of integrity and standards of the profession. I undertake and obligate to my own personal, professional and spiritual development’.
  4. To take responsibility for ensuring mutual comprehension due to language or cultural differences, or any other reason, are addressed at an early stage.
  5. Address my own prejudices, biases, stereotyping attitudes, and behaviour. To unpack how these may be affecting the counselling relationship and influencing responses.

Inclusion, Diversity & Equity


  1. Anti-ageism. To ensure my online and offline spaces are safe for women of all ages. I will not use photos, or social media images that are unrealistic standards of beauty as normal. I privilege the wisdom of lived experience. I ensure that all women who come to Tosca Dee: The Joyful Goddess feel acknowledged, witnessed irrespective of age.
  2. Trans and gender diversity. To ensure my online and offline spaces are safe for all women including trans, non-binary and CIS.
  3. Socio-economic disadvantage. I offer multiple opportunities for women who identify with being in need of financial support on a sliding scale of economic and financial difficulty.
  4. Body equality. To create safe spaces both on and offline for all bodies and to educate myself in this rapidly evolving area. Jess Baker; ‘Making peace with our body and learning to love them is about radical social justice and change. It includes a deep look at racism, violence, biased health care, fatphobia, inaccessible spaces, discrimination, limited resources, gendered bathrooms, sexism, irrelevant age limitations and so much more. I would love for body positivity to fully encompass Body Equality but as right now we haven’t been able to merge them in the mainstream yet.”
  5. I commit to ongoing professional and personal development regarding inclusion, accessibility, and equity.
  6. Inclusion stands for all people including indigenous, people of colour and black people. (BIPOC). By unpacking my white privilege, dismantling white supremacy, and tirelessly meeting my subconscious conditioning and fear programs.

Ethical Accessibility


  1. To ensure to the best of my ability to make these services accessible to all people (regardless of ability or disability). The 5 considerations include informed consent, voluntary participation, do no harm, confidentiality, and anonymity. Accessibility accesses multi-modal forms of delivery, pedagogy, and resources.
