Sleep Baby Sleep 😴
How many of us have busy minds, especially before we go sleep?
A busy mind can keep us awake for hours before our body relaxes.
I know when I don’t get enough sleep, I am not functioning at my best.
Have you heard about Sleep Hygiene?
Sleep hygiene is about establishing regular sleep routines and schedules. This is very important for our children and adults in the family. Sleeping well is one of the fundamental aspects of living a happy and joy-filled life.
Why is sleep so important?
Here are 4 reasons why sleep is so important for our bodies, emotions and immune.
1. It’s your body’s reset process.
There are so many processes that can reset themselves when we are at rest literally. It helps to balance our hormones and consolidates our memories.
2. It restores our concentration and energy.
Sleep is all about resetting our bodies. When we have adequate sleep, it improves our concentration, and cognitive abilities so that we can perform better at home, work, and social.
3. It alleviates stress and anxiety.
When we don’t have enough sleep, stress hormones are released. Higher stress levels can impact the quality and duration of sleep. This can be a tough cycle to break. Chronic sleep deprivation can increase anxiety and depression, directly impacting our family life and our interactions with our children.
4. It strengthens our immune system.
We need to get enough sleep each night to keep our immune systems functioning. Poor sleep hygiene can leave us susceptible to illness.
Many times, our sleep is neglected and often forgotten about, whilst it is such a pivotal aspect for physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual wellbeing. We need sleep to restore, nourish and repair.
Here is a little diagram from the Sleep Foundation to show how many hours of sleep we need.