Rise above the resistance. Find the courage to commit!
It’s time to create to your dreams, desires, and magic. We are powerful beings that can truly transform realities. The ‘world’ can drag us down with the heaviness at times. However, it is not the weight of the load but how we carry it.
The biggest failure isn’t the person who gives it a shot and flops. The biggest failure is the person who never tries.
Being fiercely courageous is an action that rises about resistance. Many times we feel the resistance in our bodies, our thoughts and self-belief. There is one thing that I have experienced and how seen with my beautiful clients is when the armouring softens, and we lean toward love, we rise above resistance. Love for me, means embodied safety and connection.
Here is a truth bomb – resistance to change is a sign that we don’t have a sense of safety with our nervous system, to flow with the current of life. I am so glad that through my explorative play with my nervous system that I can now actively move with relaxation and love. Flowing with transitions and resistance offers a space of inquiry – ‘What is my survival story?’ What are my narratives that hold my belief and energy in stuckness? How can I use my resistance as heart fire fuel to ignite my passion for flow?
In my meditation with the Hindu Goddess Saraswati, I heard the words ‘flow like a river, flow like a river’. Flowing with the currents of life is the invitation to move with ease.