Miracles in the Mundane

Happy New Year! Thank you for your gift of presence and for being a part of my community.

How lucky are we to have another glorious year together to grow our joy, magnetize miracles and create conscious connections?

Today I pulled a note from my jar, that I had placed in early January 2022 and on it, it said ‘MIRACLES in the MUNDANE’.

I wrote this little note, as a reminder to notice the miracles in the mundane. Firstly to be open to noticing the miracles.

In the busyness of life, it is so easy to neglect the presence of miracles, especially with agendas, expectations, and lists of things to do.

We all have choices however sometimes we forget this.

When we privilege the busyness of life we miss so much of our beautiful existence. In the book ‘Four Thousand Weeks’ by Oliver Burkeman, he speaks about how as humans we make ourselves miserable by believing that we need to get through all the tasks, to-dos, and chores in the time.

Burkeman suggests ways have how to relieve the guilt to achieve a happier life. Life is precious and the average age of 80 equates to four thousand weeks of living. This suddenly places things into perspective.  

Slowing down and doing ‘less’ is the key to being present.

Miracles are around us, all the time. Marianne Williamson (from the Course in Miracles)states miracles are a shift in perception from fear to love. Miracles are acts of love.

Miracles are in the ordinary, the mundane. The acts of love are overflowing. The difficulty is the EGO mind is quick to judge, criticize, blame, and compare, this fearful thinking. Being open to the possibility of miracles is being open to receiving more love.

Loving thoughts and feelings create more loving impacts

Fearful thoughts and feelings create more fearful impacts.

If you don’t know where to start say a little prayer and invite the miracles into your days. Intentional consciousness creates the invitation, and the universe will respond.

Today my miracles were

  • a very helpful shop assistant
  • an invitation to share my love with my family and friends
  • and a little willy wagtail bird that showed me ‘playfulness’ as he played with the dogs.

Love is not limited to extraordinary events it is in the mundane, picking up the kids, paying the bills, and washing the dishes.

Joy and magic,
