The High Priestess is the Goddess of Compassion
The Goddess of Compassion is the world’s highest priestess.
She inspires us to fall in love with ourselves, the earth, our sisters, and brothers and to meaningful touch each other’s lives. Spiritually, compassion wears many faces she is a bodhisattva known to many as Avalokiteshvara (Chenrezig), also known as Guanyin, Guan Shi Yin, Quan Yin.
She is a leader of the highest truth.
The High Priestess of Compassion calls us to go deeper within the aching soul of humanity into the very essence of our physical bodies. To rise above the challenges of disease, war, and disconnection.
To hold another with the gaze of fearlessness, trust and faith knowing we are all one humanity even in our darkest hours.
The ancient fire of deep transformation of compassion goes beyond words. Literally beyond words, it is in the very fibres of our body. Compassion claims her truth in our bodies and health
She is calling us to go beyond the illusion of separation to move into unity because we are all wired the same.
Spiritually, the Goddess of Compassion embodies the divine principle of an open and sacred heart. In particular, she calls us to love fiercely, without attachment, knowing there is no separation.
When we offer others compassion, we offer ourselves compassion.
What we give, we also receive.
There is a biological aspect to compassion that is deeply embedded in the neurochemistry of our bodies and our nervous system. When we see another sentient being suffering, our amygdala (the brain’s threat detector) is activated giving us the messages to be safe and simultaneously to connect and nurture. These two parts of our brain one for survival and the other for connection are wired as the two faces of compassion ‘the concern for suffering’.
Our sense of deep compassion is not only based on our neurochemistry it is also a part of our wiring, our poly-vagal system, and the wandering nerves of our autonomic nervous system. Research (Keltner, 2021 ) purports the vagus nerve fires the more we feel compassion. When we feel compassion, we feel the ancient fibers of humanity.
Compassion deserves the highest regard not only unity but the biological aspects deeply rooted in our own humanity. Compassion is not a lofty spiritual value of the new age, but a neurological evolution.
We are wired for compassion via our vagus nerve as it builds stronger connections within our bodies. It builds stronger connections within humanity.
Compassion is the very structure of our being, both physically and spiritually. We are wired for humanity; we are wired for oneness.
Thank you, High Priestess of Compassion for your deep embodiment and wisdom.