Do you know how grateful I am that you are in my community?

I am grateful that you are courageous to step into your power, grace, and joy. I am grateful that you support other women, your men, and children to go higher, to shine brighter and to be the goddess.

So why choose gratitude? In this world, and in this life, we are hit with a multitude of demands, obligations, responsibility, and things we must do! It is so easy to fall victim to the ‘hum drum’ of life.

Life goes fast, and when we choose to slow down to be grateful for this breath, we connect into the energy and experience of being the goddess. The more grateful we are, the more expansive we feel, and the more blessings come our way.

Gratitude is the gift that keeps on giving!

It makes you come alive, it feels good, and it changes your reality. So why not pay it forward! Do a random gift of gratitude from a place of overflow, abundance and share that gratitude in a tangible way!

Here are 10 suggestions:

1. Buy a stranger a cup of coffee.

2. Select some of your clothes and gift them to a friend, or organisation.

3. Do a monthly contribution to Foodbank (hyper link foodbank)to help struggling families

4. Pick some flowers from your garden and give them to a family member, for no reason at all

5. Say a heartfelt thank you to someone in the street.

6. Cook a cake/ meal and give it to someone, who you think would really appreciate the support.

7. Spend your time with someone, and ask them ‘how are they going?’

8. Write an anonymous note of gratitude and give it to a friend or lover.

9. Pat and play with your pets and with a big warm heart and tell them how you love and appreciate them. My cat loves this!

10. Walk outside and notice the beauty, the sun, the trees and swing your arms around and say out loud ‘thank you, thank you, thank you, I am so grateful to be here and breathe in this moment.

So, let’s wrap up 2023, with a big blast of gratitude, for all the learnings, wisdom and laughter. The messy and magical times are precious, just like you.

Join the Nourish to Flourish Masterclass by Tosca Dee